Master Annuale

Ilya Grubert

Born in Riga, Latvia, he began his studies at the School of Music
E. Darzin. Considered a student of exceptional talent, at the age of 14 years
he continued his studies with the famous teachers of the Russian Yuri Yankelevich and Zinaida Gilels and
under Leonid Kogan at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1975 he won the first prize at the
Competition Sibelius in Helsinki and in 1978 he wins the first prize in the Competition
Paganini of Genoa, which at the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. From that moment on
then he has played with the best orchestras in the world conducted by Mariss Jansons,
Gennady Rozhdesvensky, Voldemar Nelson, Mark Wigglesworth and Maxim
Shostakovich. He has played in the United States, Canada, Australia and throughout
Europe. He lives in Holland and is a professor at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. Sounds a
violin Pietro Guarnieri 1740 belonged to Wieniawski.

