Academy Of Music"Jacopo Napoli"
Today, the School of music, for the purpose of providing a path that ensures the necessary skills to access the academic courses required by the Law of the reform of musical studies, has expanded its educational offer, establishing the Courses preaccademici in agreement with the state Conservatory of music “Martucci” di Salerno.
Events Calendar

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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Courses and master classes
Today the importance of the guest lecturers, the number and the artistic level of participants, the summer Courses of Cava de’ Tirreni are considered to be among the initiatives of musical training, the most important in southern Italy.
The program of the concerts is rich and detailed, full of appointments to the highest level with important interpreters of the international music scene, chamber groups present in the posters of other important concert seasons Italian and some of the best young musicians in the concert scene.
Motivated by the lack of a Theatre on the territory of the festival “The Courts of the Art” is organized during the summer months in the Courts of the most representative Buildings of the historic Center of the City of Cava de' Tirreni..
Summer Courses
director of the Conservatorio di musica "G. Martucci" di Salerno
25 Years. It's a beautiful age! Wishes to get through a glorious maturity to a serene old age. I'm jealous of not having spent all together to you. But the ones spent together, they are certainly among the most beautiful of my professional life. In a long way we have created projects that seemed impractical with the few resources we had. But his passion swept over every obstacle. All this is thanks to the shiny "madness" of a man that is called a Happy of the meaning of his name, he wanted to share with tens to hundreds of young talented directors and singers for me but also all of the other specializations instrumental) by giving them, in some cases for the first time, the opportunity to deal with the difficult world of Work. Many of them are already well-known professionals in the foreground on the stages of Italian and international. Thanks Happy. Quarry for Ever.
In the life of each of us there are the various moments in which you feel the gratification which pays us for every sacrifice, as when it is born and grows to something or someone really important. And this is the emotion from me lived in the participate in the crescta of this wonderful company that has awakened to the culture, the music died down, bringing it to popular success. This fills me with pride.
In spite of a musical tradition lofty Italy not expressly recognizes the music as an essential element of education, to the point that today it is among the Countries with the most backward in terms of music education. In our Country, considering the reform of the school organization, the music is considered to be marginal between the subjects, so that it accompanies the process of growth of the young and the access to musical training professional is reserved for a number still restricted to children through the Conservatories of music. These considerations are particularly valuable, the commitment from the Academy Jacopo Napoli in the field of music promotion on our territory. The essential continuity of the action promoted - which evidently refers to the deepest convictions and requires major efforts made - confirm the intent to focus the activities and initiatives related to musical training. This choice, which is a further reason of merit for the Academy, justifies the will of this Institution to support the formative action in a view to a fruitful co-operation.