
Support the Academy

The music Academy “Jacopo Napoli” lives on thanks to the support of those who believe in the value of music as a factor of growth of the individual and the social. With a donation to the Academy contributes concretely to the dissemination of musical culture and education of the future generations of musicians, supporting our offer concert seasons of high-level training activities, which are considered among the initiatives of musical training in the most important at the national level.

Art Bonus

And’ possible to support the initiatives of the Academy with the actions of patronage, and benefit from the tax incentive introduced by the decree 83/2014, the so-called ART BONUS, i.e. a tax credit that allows you to recover 65% of the donations made in support of the culture.

The Academy will release to the donors who request for a statement of his / her delivery. Donors may also allow the Academy to publish their name in the thank you page for patrons, as well as on their own study of the concerts.

Can benefit from the Art Bonus both individuals and legal.

The Academy recognizes that its supporters as Benefactors and Patrons. Verranno considerati Benefattori coloro che doneranno un contributo fino a 150 euro per le persone fisiche e a 1.000 per quelle giuridiche; saranno riconosciuti Mecenati, invece, coloro che doneranno un contributo superiore.

For info on how to use theArt bonus we invite you to write to the following address:

You can visit the page of us dedicated portal Art Bonus to the following link


The Accademia musicale Jacopo Napoli is a training Institution and its activity is under continuous development. If you have a company, you're an entrepreneur or an industrial and share our passion, please contact us for an appointment. We will tell you our story, by introducing you to the achievements and projects in the pipeline for whom to collaborate.



A simple and free, yet fundamental: it takes your signature and our tax code.
The 5×1000 a share of the TAX that citizens may use to Organizations in the third sector who operate in the field of social interest. For destinarci the 5×1000 in space “Support for voluntary and other non-profit organizations of social utility,” sign your tax return, and indicates the tax code of the Academy: 95018470658.
