Call 2023
The music Academy “Jacopo Napoli” intends to promote the performance of contemporary music, prevendendo new compositions (the first Italian and absolute) in the context of the programming of the concerts.
In this context, it inserts the call for composers 2023 to identify the songs of composers under 35 that will be proposed to the public in the course of the concerts planned in the autumn.
The competition is open to all composers of any nationality, born in 1988. The edition 2023 is dedicated to compositions for solo and chamber ensemble; the participants can freely choose one of the following possibilities:
– piano solo – violin solo – solo cello – guitar solo – duo-violin/piano – duo-cello/piano – duo violin/cello – trio-violin/cello/pianoThe duration of the composition does not exceed the 8 minutes. Each candidate may submit one or more compositions, also already made.
Le partiture dovranno essere anonime e contrassegnate da un motto: nel caso di invio di più partiture da parte di uno stesso compositore, il motto utilizzato dovrà essere il medesimo. Insieme alla partitura è necessario inviare, compilando il form d’iscrizione online, anche i seguenti documenti: curriculum vitae; ricevuta di pagamento della tassa di partecipazione; un documento d’identità.
The participation fee of € 25 for each score, can be paid by bank transfer to the c/c payable at the Accademia Musicale Jacopo Napoli, at the Unicredit Banca di Roma – IBAN IT75M0200876171000103504563 – BIC, SWIFT: UNCRITM1637
The jury will be composed by 3 composers of renown: Federico Gardella, Vittorio Montalti and Alessandra Ravera. The jury's decision is final. The jury will be able to identify up to three songs.
The execution of the songs will be played by the guitarist Marco Caiazza (, and the Trio Mythos ( The composers will be invited by the Academy to participate at the concerts, in order to eventually be able to present compositions to the public.
The scores must be sent within hours of 23:59 30 giugno 2023.